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Have you made an example of how to do something with Starlight? We’d love to see it!

How to contribute

  1. Create an example on StackBlitz. Get started quickly with the Starlight template.

  2. Open a PR on GitHub adding a new page to the src/content/docs/examples/ directory.

    Create a new page using GitHub’s web UI →

By submitting an example, you accept for it to be published under the terms of the MIT License.

Page template

Here’s a template you can use for a new page:

title: Short title
description: Description of what your example shows
import StackBlitz from '../../../components/StackBlitz.astro';
Short introduction to your example.
openFile: 'src/PageOverride.astro,astro.config.mjs',
  • Replace PROJECT-ID with the id of your StackBlitz example. This is often something like github-reja36.
  • Update the value of the openFile option with paths to the files in your example a user will need to refer to. The syntax is a string of filepaths, separated by commas. Common examples here include:
    • custom components or overrides used in your example
    • astro.config.mjs if the example demonstrates specific configuration
    • content files that are using or describing your technique
  • If needed, the <StackBlitz> component accepts any of the EmbedOptions documented in StackBlitz’s SDK docs.